Former Ibn Rushd prizewinner Sihem Bensedrine arrested in Tunisia

Journalist and human rights activist Sihem Bensedrine was arrested in Tunisia on 1 August 2024 on fabricated charges. As Chairwoman of the Commission for Truth and Dignity (IVD), she campaigned to document human rights crimes committed by the dictatorships in Tunisia and to allow their legally investigation.

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Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 2022
Speech of the Prize Winner Nayla Tabbara

It is an honor to be receiving the Ibn Rushd Prize for both my personal work and on behalf of Adyan, the foundation for diversity, solidarity and human dignity that we co-founded in Lebanon 16 years ago, and that has been relentlessly working for inclusive citizenship, for freedom of religion and belief, for education on […]

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Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 2022 Welcome speech by Cora Josting (Chairwoman)

(English will be published here soon) Guten Abend meine Damen und Herren, werte Exzellenzen, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Freien Denkens – ich möchte Sie herzlich willkommen heißen zur 20. Verleihung des Ibn Rushd Preises für Freies Denken, heute hier im Gobelinsaal des Bode-Museum zu Berlin: herzlich willkommen, ahlan wa sahlan!Besonders begrüßen möchte ich auch […]

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Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 2022 Welcome speech by Dr. Amani Al Siefy

(English will be published here soon) Seien Sie alle herzlich willkommen. Ich freue mich, dass Sie in so großer Zahl unserer Einladung gefolgt sind, um der Zeremonie einer Preisverleihung beizuwohnen, die sich der Unterstützung der Werte der Staatsbürgerschaft und der Demokratie in der arabischen Welt verschrieben hat. Der diesjährige Ibn Rushd Preis widmet sich der […]

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Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 2022 Speech of to Prize Winner Saad Salloum

Fighting with a sword made of glass (English translation will be published here soon) (German): Dieser Diskurs richtet sich an eine Generation, die in einer bestimmten Zeit und an einem bestimmten Ort lebt, nämlich die Generation nach dem Arabischen Frühling und nach ISIS.Die Generation des Arabischen Frühlings vereinte unsere Völker zum ersten Mal in der […]

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Laudatory speech for prize winner Nayla Tabbara held by Prof. Elizabeth Kassab, University of Doha

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start my laudatory speech by inviting you on a drone tour over the countries from where our laureates hail: Iraq and Lebanon. I am sure you all have seen such drone films showing the extensive destruction of cities and towns across these two countries. Massive explosions, massive environmental […]

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Ibn Rushd Prize 2022 – Freedom of Religion: Invitation to Attend on September 8th

The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought is delighted to announce the two winners of this year’s Ibn Rushd Prize: Nayla Tabbara from Lebanon with her organization ‘Adyan Foundation’ and Saad Salloum from Iraq with his organization ‘Masarat’. The two have been named the joint winners of the 20th Ibn Rushd Prize for this year’s topic ‘Freedom of Religion’. The award ceremony will take place on September 8, 2022, in Berlin, Germany.

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Ibn Rushd Prize 2022 – Freedom of Religion: Jointly won by Nayla Tabbara from Lebanon and Saad Salloum from Iraq

The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought is delighted to announce the two winners of this year’s Ibn Rushd Prize: Nayla Tabbara from Lebanon with her organization ‘Adyan Foundation’ and Saad Salloum from Iraq with his organization ‘Masarat’. The two have been named the joint winners of the 20th Ibn Rushd Prize for this year’s topic ‘Freedom of Religion’. The award ceremony will take place on September 8, 2022, in Berlin, Germany.

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Award 2022: CV Saad Salloum with Masarat Iraq

Dr Saad Salloum is a young Iraqi author and an assistant professor of political science at College of Political Science at Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. He cofounded the Christian-Muslim Dialogue Initiative 2010 , the Iraqi Council for Interfaith Dialogue 2013, the National Center for Countering Hate Speeches 2018, the Institute for Religious Diversity Studies in Baghdad 2019, and the Institute for Diversity Journalism in Iraq 2020.

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Award 2022: CV Nayla Tabbara with Adyan Foundation

After both a BA and MA in Medieval History from the Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon, Dr. Tabbara received her PhD in Religious Studies from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne, Paris) and Saint Joseph University. Currently her area of expertise covers Islamic theology of religious diversity, Islamic feminism, exegesis of the Quran, Sufism, and education on interreligious and intercultural diversity.

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The Ibn Rushd Prize 2022: Call For Nomination

The Ibn Rushd Prize 2022 therefore calls for:

an institution or a person who fostered or protected religious freedom in their region or country – including the freedom from religion and the possibility of choosing another religion, as well as the freedom from the obligation to marry within the same religious group – and therewith not only countering all kinds of sectarianism as well as the abuse of power by political and religious authorities, but fostering pluralism, tolerance and peace within society.
The person’s or institution’s work must have fostered and protected religious freedom sustainably for all, not only for specific individuals or specific groups in a society.

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Call for Nomination

The Ibn Rushd Prize 2018 calls for: a caricaturist who criticizes or ridicules political, religious or social leaders and authorities. A caricature is an exaggerating drawing highlighting the negative characteristics of what it depicts in order to criticize it. This way of criticizing seems to be deeply rooted in the human mind – historians argue […]

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Ibn Rushd Award 2019 CV Sarah Qaed

is an artist from Bahrain currently living in Newcastle, UK.She practices art via editorial caricatures, drawings, comics, illustrations, wearable pieces, and anything in between, delivering an interdisciplinary approach in her work. Her daily caricatures focus on refugees, women, corruption, power, human existence, and contradictions. Her passion for caricature as a visual language led her to […]

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Members of the Jury

Atta El-Battahani Dr. Atta El-Battahani is a Professor in Political Science, he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Sussex, (Britain), and M.Sc, B.Sc in Political Science; and B.A in Philosophy from the University of Khartoum (Sudan). During 2003-2006 he was Head Department of Political Science, Faculty of Economics, University of Khartoum; and a founding […]

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CV (Info) AMAN

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) AMAN was established in 2000 upon an initiative by a number of Palestinian civil society organizations working in the fields of democracy, human rights, and good governance. Their goal was to initiate a national program to combat corruption, and enhance the values of transparency and accountability in Palestine […]

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CV Aisha Odeh

Aisha Odeh Born in Deir Jerir near Ramallah/Al-Bireh in 1944.Primary school Deir Jerir, middle and secondary school in Ramallah.Diploma in Education at the Teacher’s Collge in Ramallah in 1966Work experience Aisha Odeh worked as school teacher for mathematics and science at Ein Yabrud Middle School for Girls from September 1966 to the day of her […]

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Speach of the Fund

Welcome speech of the Ibn Rushd Fund (held by Dr. Hamid Fadlalla) on occasion of awarding the Ibn Rushd Prize 2014 to Rachid al-Ghannouchi Simultanübersetzung: Dr. Günther Orth Verehrte Damen und Herren,ich freue mich, Sie sowie alle anwesenden Vertreter der Botschaften der arabischen Staaten, der Arabischen Liga, des Auswärtigen Amtes und alle anwesenden Vertreter deutscher […]

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CV Rachid Ghannouchi

Rashid al-Ghannushi Rashid al-Ghannushi (born in 1941), is a Tunisian politician, co-founder of the Al-Nahda Movement and serving as its “intellectual leader”.Al-Ghannushi was born outside El Hamma, in the governorate of Gabès in southern Tunisia. He received his certificate of attainment degree, equivalent to the Baccalauréat, in 1962 from the University of Ez-Zitouna. He entered […]

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CV Rim Banna

Rim Banna Rim Banna, a Palestinian singer-song writer, composer, arranger and activist, was born in Nazareth, Galilee, on December 8, 1966. During her studies at at the Gnesins’ Academy of Music in Moscow she specialized in modern singing and conducting singing groups. She graduated in 1991. Rim Banna is known for her modern interpretations of […]

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CV Sihem Bensedrine

Sihem Bensedrine Personal Born on 28th October 1950 in La Marsa (Tunis), married to Omar Mestiri, three children Education MA of Philosophy from the University Toulouse Le Mirail Professional Life 1980-1992: reporter, editor and editor in chief of several journals1985-1986: One of the founders of the monthly feminist magazine Nissa1989-1995: Founder and director of the […]

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CV Rezgar Akrawi

Rezgar Akrawi Main coordinator of internet-forum al-Hewar al-MutamaddinCoordinator of Centre for Marxist and Left-Wing Studies and Research Born 1966 in Aqra in Iraq (Kurdistan-Iraq) Political Activity 1984-1990: Member of Iraqi Communist Party1990-1992: Member of the Organization „Communist Current“1993-2000: Member of the Communist Labour Party Human Rights Contributes to founding first Union for Unemployed, Irbil, Iraq 1992.Spokesman […]

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Call for Nomination

Call for Nomination The Ibn Rushd Award 2010 calls for a Webblogger who fundamentally enriches and advances public discourse. The internet’s contribution to the transformation of mass-communication is difficult to fully grasp. In the Arab world, media such as newspapers, radio and TV are generally state-run and insufficiently offer space for open and public discussion […]

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CV Samir Amin

Samir Amin Born 04.09.1931 in Cairo/Egypt University Studies Diploma of Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (1952) Diploma of Statistics and Mathematics, Paris (1956) Ph D Economics, Paris (1957) Professor of Economics 1966 Professional Career Head of Research Department, Organisation of Economic Development, Cairo (1957-1960) Advisor, Ministry of Planning, Bamako/Mali (1960-1963) Professor at IDEP, Universities of Poitiers, […]

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CV Prof. Mohammed Abed al-Jabri

Mohammed Abed al-Jabri Born on 27th December 1935 in Fagig/Morocco. Academic degrees 1967 Diploma in Philosophy, University of Mohammed V., Faculty of Humanities, Rabat. 1970 PhD in Philosophy, University of Mohammed V., Faculty of Humanities, Rabat. Profession Inspector and educational director for philosophy teachers. Since 1967 university lecturer of Philosophy and Islamic Thought at the […]

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CV Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Nasr H. Abû Zayd BIRTH: 10-7-1943, Tantâ, Egypt ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: 1972: BA in Arabic Studies with Highest Honors from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.1977: MA in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, […]

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Mohammed Arkoun – further information on his philosophy

Mohammed Arkoun, one of the most prominent modern philosophers in the Arab world and an active advisor of many political, academic, religious decision makers for Islamic studies and systems of education, is explicitly opposed to the thesis of the ‘clash of civilisations’ that has been made to look so inevitable.

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Members of the Jury – Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 2002

Zulaikha Abd ar-Rahman Abu Risha (Jordan)Abu Risha studied Arabic Literature at Jordan University and is preparing her doctoral thesis on „Women in Arabic Feminist Literature” at the University of Exeter (UK). Abu Risha also studied educational science and administration. As an expert in feminism she is known for her Gender-Studies.She is director of the Centre […]

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Members of the Jury 2001 – Critical Thought

Aziz Al-AzmehGeb. 1947 in Damaskus, studierte u. a. in Tübingen und Oxford, Ph. D. in Orientalistik (University of Oxford), lehrte in Beirut und Kuweit, seit 1985 Sharjah Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Eceter. Zuletzt erschienen: Secularism in Modern Arab Life and Thought (1992), Islams and Modernities (1993). Im September erscheint auf Deutsch: Die Islamisierung […]

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Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 1999-2000 in the Press

Ibn Rushd Prize for Freedom of Thought 1999-2000 in the Press 17.2.98  al-Hayat 09.04.98               al-Ahram International 10.12.98               al-Ahram Evening 10.12.98               al-Quds 11.12.98               Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 12.12.98               al-Hayat 17.12.98               al-Ahram- International 24.12.98               Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 14.06.99               ad-Dustour 17.12.99               Aljazira – Sa. Dezember 1999 al Liqa al Arabi 1999                   Ibn Sinna-Ärzteblatt February 2000    News Circle April […]

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