Call for Nomination  

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Call for Nomination

The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought will award its Prize 2009 to an Arab expert of economy who has – either in theory or in practice – tackled in his/her work the problems of economical development in the Arab World.

How does a successful economic system function? Can economy develop if it offers only a few privileged persons a chance at prosperity? Can it prosper in a place of trouble and unrest? Is economy influenced by existing moral values and ideology or does it develop its own laws? What are the prerequisites for a sound economy that functions effectively for a long time? Is continued economic success possible without peace, freedom and social justice?

The Arab countries today are experiencing a serious political and economical crisis which threatens the basis of their existence. The crisis manifests itself in different ways. Amongst other things, it shows that economic policy as it is being practiced today is not capable of building the solid economic and social structure which would secure a basic standard of living for citizens, and allow them to live their lives in dignity and to resist strong influences from outside.

For a very long time the call for change has been growing:

  • economic structural reforms aiming to achieve: construction of a strong, independent economic system, promoting self-help projects for small and medium-sized enterprises, fighting against poverty, illiteracy and corruption, establishing social justice, building a functioning political system (good governance), realization of democracy and human rights,
  • Changing the prevailing global economic circumstances in order to overcome the disadvantages of and the systematic discrimination against developing countries and establish equal chances on the global market;
  • Changing the structure of, consciousness, consumption and social welfare in Arab society.

A substantial economic development has become one of the most important national duties and is of great importance in society.

A few Arab experts of economy have studied the recent economic problems in the Arab World and have contributed towards finding solutions.


This year the Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought will award its prize to an Arab expert of economy who has – either in theory or practice – tackled in his/her work the problems of economical development in the Arab World.

The prize of 2500 Euro is symbolic (costs for flight and lodging for 2-3 days in Berlin is paid extra). The prize is financed by member’s fees and donations. Some of the previous holders of the Ibn Rushd Prize are the Al Jazeera TV Satellite Channel, Issam Abdulhadi, Azmi Bishara, Mohammed Arkoun, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Sonallah Ibrahim, Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim and Mohamed Abed al-Jabri.

Anyone who is interested may nominate a man or a woman whom he or she thinks is worthy of the prize. Please send your proposal by letter or e-mail before the 15th of May 2009 to the address below, briefly stating the reasons for your choice. Please attach a short biography of the candidate.

These proposals will be passed on to the members of an independent jury who will select the winner from among the proposals.

Last opportunity for nomination is May 15th, 2009.

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