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List of some of the Members and Donors
Family Name | Name | Country/Country of Origin | Occupation |
Abdel-Hadi | Hakam | Germany/Palestine | Journalist |
Abdulhadi | Qasim | Palestine/Jordan | Bank Manager |
Abdulhadi | Faiha | Palestine | Writer & Research Consultant |
Abobaker | Mahmoud | Germany/Syria | Student |
Abu Gazaleh | Wael | Palestine/Jordan | Architect |
Abu-Hijleh | Saed | Palestine | University Lecturer |
Abu-Elela | Mohamed | Egypt | Writer |
Abu-Saleh | Ziad | Germany/Syria | Ingenieur |
Al-Hassan | Muhamed | Germany/Syria | Educator, Translater |
Al-Juneidi | Sameer | Palestine | Director Tree-Nursery |
Al-Hayik | Halah | Germany/Syria | |
Alloush | Mazen, Dr. | Syria | Dentist |
Al-Khutabi | Arwa | Germany/Jemen | |
Al-munaizel | Yara | Germany/Jordan | Teacher |
Al-Nabulsi | Randa | Palestine | General Manager Zafer Masri Foundation |
Al-Outa | Wiliam | Lebanon | School Teacher |
Al-Refaee | Abdullah | Saudiarabia | University Lecturer |
Al-Saadi | Wasseem | Syria/Syria | |
Al-Saokal | Nawar | Germany/Palestine | Student |
Al-Sghier | Djamel | Algeria | Journalist |
Al-Zoebi | Mohammed, Prof. | Syria/Germany | Prof. Of Sociology |
Al-Zoebi | Ayham, Dr. | Syria/Germany | Physician |
Amer | Dr. Mohammad | Jordan | ret. Dentist |
Amouri | Khalil | Palestine/Germany | Businessman |
Aref | Saber | Palestine | Political Author |
Assar | Said | France/Syria | Professor for Computer Sciences |
Atariaki | Abdellatef | Poland/Syria | |
Awwad | Susan | Palestine | Ret. President of Charitable Organisation |
Azad | Shahid | Pakistan | University Lecturer |
Barqawi | Ahmad, Dr. | Syria | University Lecturer |
Bertrand | Eckhard | Germany | Engineer |
Bajbouj | Khalil | Germany/Syria | Physician |
Best | Fritz, Prof. | Germany | University Professor |
Beydoun | Farouk | Libanon/Germany | Physician |
Bielitz | Marianne | Germany/Germany | Teacher |
Brenner | Anna | Germany | Psychologist |
Bushnaq | Nabil | Germany/Palestine | Physician |
Bushnaq | Abier, Dr. | Germany/Palestine | Arabic studies |
Bushnaq-Josting | Hikmat | Germany/Palestine | Engineer |
Bushnaq | Nabila | Palestine | Headmistress |
Bushnaq | Abdalla | Germany/Palestine | Software Engineer |
Bushnaq | Jessica, Dr. | Germany | Mathmatics |
Bushnaq | Farihan | USA/Palestine | Medical Assistant |
Bushnaq | Asad | USA/Palestin | Engineer |
Chahoud | Ibrahim, Prof. | Germany/Palestine | Prof. for Toxicology |
Chaker-Al-Azm | Eman | Germany/Syria | |
Chebbani | Mona, Dr. | Germany/Lebanon | Clinical Researcher |
Djubrini | Hayriddin, Dr. | Germany/Syria | |
Douedari | Ghassan, Dr. | Germany/Syria | Dentist |
El-Kassar | Riad | Paestine/Germany | Physician |
El-Kothany | Aly Masednah | Germany/Libya | Physician |
El–Nigoly | Ragab | Egypt/Germany | |
Etman | Rabee | UAE | Writer/Author |
Fadlalla | Hamid, Dr. | Germany/Sudan | Physician |
Farkouh | Ghassan | Syria | |
Foda | Fadia | Syria | Social Worker |
Freitag | Ulrike, Prof. Dr. | Germany | Direktor ZMO-Berlin |
Fruchtman | Ruth | Germany | Author/Journalist |
Fulad | Faisal | Bahrain | Legal Activist |
Gari | Malak | Spain/Saudi Arabia | Student |
Gohary | Magdi | Egypt/Germany | |
Haman | Fadi | Jordan/Germany | Student |
Hasno | Mansour | Syria/Germany | Teacher |
Hilaneh | Naim | Syria | Dentist |
Humied | Khader | USA/Palestine | Professor |
Hussain | Huda | UAE | Teacher |
Ibrahim | Sami, Dr. | Palestine | Psychologist |
Ibrahim | Sonallah | Egypt | Novelist |
Inqab | Salah | Lybia | Journalist |
Jabbour | George | Syria | Professor |
Jabbour | Zuhair | Syria | Professor |
Jaeger | Henrik, Dr. | Germany | Author/Writer |
Josting | Cora | Germany | PR-Adviser |
Josting | Constanze | Germany | Pupil |
Kamel | Isam, Dr. | Palestine | Consultant |
Kanaan | Samia | Palestine/SA | Homemaker |
Kanaan | Said | Palestine | |
Karsli | Jamal | Germany/Syria | Polititian |
Keilani | Elke, Dr. | Germany | Physician |
Keith | Werner, Dr. | Germany | Lawyer |
Kwies | Maher | Germany/Syria | Publisher |
Lemke | Cosima | Germany | Teacher of German Lang |
Linzen | Lothar | Germany | Project manager |
Massouh | Samer | Germany/Syria | Reporter |
Moussa | Ghassan | Germany/Palestine | Physician |
Mujcic | Almedin | Germany/Bosnia | Arabist |
Nasta | John | Germany/Syria | Physician |
Natour | Jamal, Dr. | Palestine | Physician |
Odeh | Aisha | Palestine | Activist/Author |
Reda | Taufik | Syrien-Germany | Dipl. Economy |
Saad | Omar | Lebanon-Germany | Business man |
Sader | Imad, Dr. | Palestine | Physician |
Said | Salam | Germany/Syria | Scientist |
Sattar | Sami | Iraq/Switzerland | Fine Arts Lecturer |
Seifeldin | Manal | Sudan | |
Senghaas | Dieter, Prof. | Germany | University Professor |
Stehli-Werbeck | Ulrike, Dr. | Germany | Univ. Lecturer Arabistic |
Steinbach | Udo, Prof. | Germany | University Professor |
Touqan | Fadwa | Palestine | Poetess & Writer |
Tubeila | Sameeh | Palestine | Contracter, Architect |
Turabi | Mahmoud | Palestine | Lawyer |
Wieland | Carsten, Dr. | Germany | Diplomat |
Wolf | Manfred | Germany | School Educator |
Ziege | Kerstin | Germany | Administrator |
Zindler/Qasqas | Areej, Dr. med. | Palaestina | Physician |
Zoghbi | Wafa | Syria | Teacher |
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