Report and Recording – Ideologies in Crisis – What are the Alternatives? short version

An Ibn Rushd Lecture with the ex-President of Tunisia Dr Moncef Marzouki, Prof Dr Udo Steinbach and Manal Seifeldin. What distinguishes the 21st century from the previous centuries and especially from the 20th century? What facts and realities should we relate to? How do we understand our world today and what is the role that […]

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Al Qafila 2018: Concert in Berlin June 29th 2018

Ibn Rushd on tour with Al Qafila 2018 – the cultural caravan on the Journey of Life along the ‘Balkan Route’.
The Qafila al-Hayat sends artists and musicians from seven Arab countries on a Journey of Life to travel as a caravan in the footsteps of the men and women who fled war and destruction in their home countries in the Middle East along what became known as the Balkan Route.
And while they are experiencing their compatriots journey, these young people are on a mission: to show local audiences the rich culture that is a treasure brought by the people traveling towards a future on this most fateful journey of their lives.

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