Prizes for Freedom of Thought in the Arab World
The IBN RUSHD Fund for Freedom of Thought will award its PRIZE 2003 to
an Arab thinker and professor (fem., masc.) who has rendered outstanding services in
the field of enlightenment, who has offered through his theoretical work a genuinely
Arab guide to reason finding new perspectives for the present and future
whilst preserving the dialogue between tradition and modernity
The IBN RUSHD PRIZE for Freedom of Thought will be given to the prize winner in
an official ceremony in Berlin, around the 10th of December, in commemoration of the
800th anniversary of Ibn Rushd’s (a.k.a Averroes) death and his heritage – especially
his appeal for freedom of thought and tolerance. Following the awarding there will be
a press conference. The Prize amounts to 2500,– EUR. The IBN RUSHD Fund agrees
to pay a return flight to Berlin, board and lodging for three-days.
Anyone interested can nominate a person whom he or she thinks would deserve the
prize. Please send your proposal per letter or e-Mail before the 1st of July 2003 to the
address below and attach a paper in which you explain the reason for your choice and
These proposals will be passed on to the members of an independent jury who will
select the winner from among the proposals.
The first IBN RUSHD Prize 1999 was given in Arab Media. The winner was Al JAZEERA TV Satellite
Channel/Qatar for its efforts to make freedom of speech and tolerance possible and respected in Arab
The second IBN RUSHD Prize 2000 was given for the emancipation of Arab women. The winner was Issam
Abdulhadi, President of the General Union of Palestinian Women.
The third IBN RUSHD Prize 2001 was given on the 8th of December in House of Literature/Berlin to the
Egyptian writer and critic Mahmoud Amin El Alem for his struggle for freedom, democracy and
enlightenment as well as his political commitment.
4th IBN RUSHD Prize 2002 was given to the Arab PARLIAMENTARIAN who has rendered outstanding
services to the realisation of democracy and multi-party system in the Arab society. The winner is Dr. Azmi
Bishara, a palestinian member of Knesset in Israel.