Awarding Ceremony Summary

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Dear friends of freedom of thought in the Arab World and elsewhere:

We wish you a Happy New Year 2018. May the new year be less stormy, both concerning weather and politics, and may it bring health and happiness to you and your loved ones.

This coming year, the Ibn Rushd Fund will become 20 years old; we are thinking of celebrating and will notify you in due time on how and whereabouts.

The last year was packed with activities from lectures to philosophical diwans and other events big and small from the first month, and was completed on December 1 with the awarding ceremony to AMAN – Coalition for Coalition for Accountability and Integrity. 

Picture of handing over the award to Aman
Awarding ceremony

For all those among you who where unable to join us on the day, we have prepared videos of the talks and performances to watch and share with your friends.

the full ceremony (partly in German, English and Arabic)

If you like our work, please support us by becoming a member, or donate money to support our work. 

Application for Membership

Speech of the Fund
Laudatory: Kinda Hattar
 Speech of the Prize Winner
  Musical and Spoken Word Performances: Spoken word by Faten El Dabbas

    Musical Interludes with Zaina Dalla, vocals; George Saade, percussion; Gaitha Alshaar, Oud.


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