Ibn Rushd Young N°3 \\ Sex Talk Bel-Araby

How does sex talk on social media platforms challenge local notions of hegemonic masculinity in the MENA region?Social media have played a significant role in advancing feminist movements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Several influential social media campaigns have championed women’s rights in the area. These campaigns have addressed not only legal reform and women rights, but also several issues, including driving rights and bodily autonomy, and provided community efforts in fighting sexual violence against women….

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Climate Change and Sustainable Environment: Challenges of Environmental Media in the Arab World

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today, as it affects various aspects of our lives, including the environment, economy, health, food security, and society as a whole. The Middle East and North Africa region, in particular, is among the most affected regions by climate change, facing dramatically rising temperatures, water scarcity, […]

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Femininity, Masculinity and their Manifestations in Contemporary Arab Culture

What are the most manifestations of “masculinity” and “femininity” in contemporary Arab culture? How did the rising influence of social media and the 2011 uprisings impact the concepts of “masculinity” and “femininity“?
We will discuss these questions in our forthcoming lecture with Dr. Amal Grami and Dr.Hanadi Al-Samman.

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Report and Recording – Ideologies in Crisis – What are the Alternatives? short version

An Ibn Rushd Lecture with the ex-President of Tunisia Dr Moncef Marzouki, Prof Dr Udo Steinbach and Manal Seifeldin. What distinguishes the 21st century from the previous centuries and especially from the 20th century? What facts and realities should we relate to? How do we understand our world today and what is the role that […]

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Report and Recording – Ideologies in Crisis – What are the Alternatives?

An Ibn Rushd Lecture with the ex-President of Tunisia Dr Moncef Marzouki, Prof Dr Udo Steinbach and Manal Seifeldin. What distinguishes the 21st century from the previous centuries and especially from the 20th century? What facts and realities should we relate to? How do we understand our world today and what is the role that […]

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Ideologies in Crisis – What are the Alternatives?

Ibn Rushd Lecture by Dr Moncef Marzouki, President of the Republic of Tunisia from 2011-2014 To register, please use this link. Speakers and Moderators: Dr. Moncef Marzouki: Dr. Marzouki was the first democratically elected president of Tunisia after the January 14th Revolution in 2011, a seminal moment in modern Arab history which heralded the onset […]

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30.01.22 | Contemporary Challenges for Pluralism in the Islamic Context

Dear Friends of Freedom of Thought, The discourse on promoting the concept of a multi-cultural society is considered an urgent endeavor to encourage plurality, tolerance, fight discrimination, and foster a peaceful, prosperous social environment in all contemporary societies. In Western societies, a multi-cultural discourse is asserted within a modern secular paradigm in the writings of […]

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Freedom? On the philosophy of liberation according to M Aziz Lahbabi

Freedom. Each language has its own special connotations vibrating along with this value, such as the famous French ‘liberté’ or the American ‘freedom’, and since the Arab revolutions the time has come to reflect on the contemporary and historic meanings resonating with the Arabic ‘hurriyah’. The Moroccan philosopher Rachid Boutayeb and the German theologian, philosopher […]

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Contemporary Arab Culture From Description to Change

(Linguistic and Sociologic Perspectives) Mohammed Chawich analyses what constitutes contemporary Arab culture – its major trends and possible linguistic and social perspectives – through a new look at the concept of “modernity” and “tradition”. His thesis is that the “revolutionary” currents in this ideology, divided between “nationalism”, “socialism” and “Islamism” share a hidden side creating a […]

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Arab Political Thought, the Syrian Revolution & the Question of Asylum

Dr. Housamedden Darwish Ibn Rushd Lecture on Wednesday, 26th April, at 8:00pm in the Lettrétage Berlin. The Syrian philosopher Hosamedden Darwish spoke on Critical Ideas in Arab Political Thought, the Syrian Revolution and the Question of Asylum. In his recently published book Critical texts in Arab Political Thought, the Syrian Revolution and Asylum: In the Example of Bishara and […]

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Ibn Rushd Lecture with Dr. Mohamed Adel Mtimet – The missing of the idividual in the Arab culture

the unmentioned paradox when calling  for democracy in the Arab world: On July 19th 2016 the Tunisian philosopher Mohamed Adel Mtimet held an Ibn Rushd Lecture with the title, “The absence of the individual in Arab culture – the unmentioned paradox when calling  for democracy in the Arab world”. Does the Arab culture provide the […]

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Carol Mansour: Not Who We Are

The Film “Not Who We Are” portrays the lives of five Syrian women with a different sociocultural background. As refugees in Lebanon, they are fighting against the brutality of their daily lives, and try to rebuild their existence that has been destryed b the war. In the film they allow us to gain an insight into their daily distress, but also into their strengths, resilience and survival instinct.

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