Sudan/South Sudan Conference, Hermannsburg, Germany 2012 – Speech held by Hamid Fadlalla

Dear Marina, dear HermannLadies and Gentlemen Since a quarter of a century we have been meeting every year in Hermannsburg, this charming and delightful city in Lower Saxony,  at the invitation of Sudan Forum and Sudan Focal Point – Europe to examine and discuss key issues on Sudan. Over a quarter of a century I […]

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Members of the Jury of the Ibn Rushd School Magazine Project

Ibn Rushd Prize for School Journalism 2013Competition between four groups of pupils – two from a girls’ school and two from a boys’ school in Tulkarm/Palestine Dr. Hamid FadlallaHamid Fadlalla is a Sudanese specialist doctor and author, resident of Berlin. He is member of the Executive Committee of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in […]

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Young Journalists

Young journalists was a press competition project for pupils of from each one boys and one girls school in Tulkarem – Palestine A joint work between the Palestinian Ministry of Education and the Ibn Rushd Foundation for Free Thought.
This is to activate the student’s relationship with problems in their environment and to discuss them completely freely. The competition took place for a period of three months, during which students participating had to go to libraries and the Internet in search for sources of news.

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