Table of Contents
Abier Bushnaq
Arabic English German
The bitter harvest of the Arab Spring – Transformation, the change of the elite and a new social Mobilization. Muriel Asseburg and Heiko Wimmen/Germany – Book Review
Hamid Fadlalla – Sudan / Germany / Fadia Foda – Lebanon / Germany
Arabic German
Fatima Mernissi: The liberation from Western patriarchy
Mamdouh Farrag an-Nabi – Egypt
The fight against the book Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler is still going on
Hakam Abdel-Hadi – Palestine / Germany
Hassan at-Turabi and the journey from bravery to misery
Mohamed Mahmoud – Sudan
“The absence of the individual in Arab culture – the unmentioned paradox when calling for democracy in the Arab world”
Adel Mtimet – Tunisia
Arabic German
Controversy over national identity, religion and secularism in a democratic state
Habib Haddad – Syria
The creator and his reader – Eulogy on the Iraqi writer and poet Sabri Hashim (died 11 April 2016)
Hamid Fadlalla – Sudan / Germany
- Editorial – 20th issue autumn 2016العربية DeutschIf you like it, share it!Dear readers, we warmly welcome you to this new edition of Minbar Ibn Rushd, our online magazine. Here are our topics: In December 2015 the German […]