Minbar Ibn Rushd – 16th issue winter 2014/2015

Table of Contents Editorial Abier BushnaqEnglish  German  Arabic Democracy in the Arab World. What chances does it have? Jörg Armbruster – GermanyArabic  German Navid Kermani’s Speech before the German Bundestag on the 65th anniversary of the Basic LawNavid Kermani – GermanyArabic  German A culture of tolerance, the tolerance of ambiguity Rachid Boutayeb – MoroccoArabic Masculinity […]

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Ibn Rushd’s (Averroes)’ views on women. By Nadia Harhash

Ibn Rushd’s work and Influences Abu al-Walid Muhammad Ibn-Rushd, also known as Averroes in the West, was born in 1126 A.D (died in 1198) in Cordova. His ideas influenced the transformation of thought in medieval Europe. He is considered the last of the great Muslim thinkers who integrated Islamic traditions and Greek thought. His beliefs […]

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