Appeal to EU-Governments and the United Nations: Stop the Violation of Human Rights in Gaza!

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The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought, an organization founded by Arab intellectuals in Germany, appeals to EU-governments and the United Nations to intervene immediately in order to stop the violation of human rights in the Gaza strip. 

We do not regard the 2005 withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza-strip as a serious approach to end the occupation of Gaza. The supposedly “autonomous region” is being besieged since 2005. This wrongful deprivation of liberty of app. 1.5 million People (half of whom live in refugee camps) – cramped for space on app. 365 square kilometers – has now escalated into a bloody war crime against civil society.

If the United Nations support the right of existence of Israel and Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas, they must inevitably also accept the right of existence of the Palestinian people and their right to defend themselves against the occupation lasting 41 years. International law acknowledges the principal right of resistance against an occupation. This does not, however, justify the use of violence against innocent civilians. All EU-governments and the United Nations are required to make efforts to provide for a lasting reduction of tension. Gaza should not be completely at Israel’s mercy. Gaza concerns all of us!

If the Israeli government refuses to take any responsibility, governments of the EU and the United Nations should put pressure on it and remind it of its duty. The problem of Gaza will not be solved by the use of force, justice is the only solution. Violence only evokes more violence.

All states – and Arab states as well as Germany – are responsible to the Palestinian refugees, who, as a result of the foundation of the state of Israel, live in third and fourth generation in miserable, ghettoized conditions beneath human dignity, crowded in a narrow space in the enclave of Gaza without protection and no economic perspective.

The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought appeals to the governments of the EU and the United Nations:

  • to intervene, in order to end the violation of human rights in Gaza! Doing nothing means tolerating the injustice that is done to civil society.
  • to open the borders to Gaza immediately, to admit medical supply and humanitarian help!
  • to end the economic blockade to allow a new perspective for a life in dignity.
  • to solve the Palestinian refugee problem internationally and not to leave them at Israel’s mercy and the mercy of inactive Arab regimes!
  • to push negotiations for a just peace!
  • to end the 41-year occupation of Palestinian territories! 

We appeal to you to show commitment immediately for more humanity, justice and peace for a sovereign democratic Palestine!

(This released appeal can be ordered also in German and Arabic language)

Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought

Christofstr. 5

76227 Karlsruhe

Tel.: 0049 (0) 721-1517745

Fax: 0049 (0) 721-9158750


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