Zait WaZa3tar Festival: 13.12.2020 – Restoring Memory through Archive

Missing Archive, missing narrative? Where is the archive of Palestine, and who owns it? How did the missing archive create a void in the Palestinian narrative and what did the Palestinians do to compensate this? In her films, Mahasen Nasser Eldin […]

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Zait WaZa3tar Festival: 22.11.2020 – Against the Loveless World – Book Discussion with Susan Abulhawa

Following our discussion of “Silences & Words” in Palestinian literature (you can find the recording of the event here), we are glad to announce this discussion with award-winning novelist Susan Abulhawa on her latest book “Against the Loveless World” on November 22nd 2020, 6 PM. Published first in 2019 in German (dt. “Nahrs Letzter Tanz”), […]

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Recording | 2020-11-15 | First online event of the Zait WaZar3tar Festival 2020 in Berlin

The [zait wa: zaʕtar] Festival for Palestinian Arts & Culture starting on November 15th 2020 in Berlin will be a meeting of hearts and minds: to meet to talk about films, exhibitions, literature, music and much more. We will be presenting narratives less explored, like the vital role Palestinian literature plays in preserving diasporic as well as Palestinian identities.

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