Light for the Future

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Wanted: young refugee women who would like to be part of the cultural project ‘Light for the Future’.

We will be going for thematic walks in nature, history, politics and culture, and get to know more about our environment, the place we live in. On these walks, we will collect materials and ideas, and take pictures of what’s around us. We will use these impressions, thoughts, and finds in artwork and writing in workshops with artists on the days after the walks; and if there is music in the air we will teach each other songs in our different languages. At the end of the project there will be a presentation including an exposition of the artefacts made and the pictures taken.

                    Childcare provided

Also wanted: German-speaking women to come along on the walks, talk and sing with us in all the languages we share; and to thus accompany the refugee women on their way into German society.

Final Report (in German)

Our cultural project ‘Light for the Future’ has now been completed with great success. This project was primarily about bringing refugee women closer to their surroundings. Old and new Berlin women met and took thematic walks in nature, history, politics and culture, getting to know their surroundings and each other better. We then processed the collected impressions and thoughts at subsequent Art Workshops.

If you want to see more and are interested in what exactly we have done and created during this time, please have a look at our PDF file. 

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