Migration – promise of a new life and a trauma?

العربية Deutsch

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Our FIRST event since
the breakout of COVID-19!

Wars, conflicts and persecution in several regions of Africa and Asia have driven millions of migrants from their homes, looking for safer, more stable and more free areas in the West. Although refugees and migrants came to their countries of asylum to live a better reality, many studies confirm that there are large groups of refugees and migrants facing enormous psychological pressures. This psychological stress is caused by the individuals’ traumatic experience in their country of origin on the one hand, and pressure of coping with different values, beliefs and behaviours in the country of asylum on the other hand. We would like to open a discussion with you to exchange personal opinions and experiences on how to deal with the new life in the country of asylum.

Is it possible or necessary for a person to be freed from the burden of the past, their memories and their values, in order to live the freedom available in the West and become a successful individual in the new country?

Is the “unlimited” freedom and the focus on an individualized life – as opposed to the group life (close family and extended family)  refugees lived in their countries of origin – supportive or obstructive to the psychological state of the individual who arrived alone in the country of asylum?

These are some of the questions around the psychological difficulties connected to migration and asylum-seeking that we would like to discuss with you in our Diwan al-Falsafa on Thursday July 16 at 20h in Ulme 35 – Interkulturanstalten, Ulmenallee 35 in 14050 Berlin-Westend.

Event in Arabic (without translation)

Due to the Covid-19 situation and regulations around holding events, we are forced to ask you to register, leaving your contact details with registration so we can contact you. Please register here, we can only admit those registered to the event. Your data will stay with us for the sole purpose of contacting you through the local Gesundheitsamt should a case of Covid-19 become known to us after the event. All data will be destroyed after 4 weeks.
As the places are very limited according to distance regulations, please let us know if you change your mind about coming (by sending an email to contact@ibn-rushd.org) so we can give your seat to someone else.

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